Feeding The Homeless Newark N.J.

Feeding The Homeless Newark N.J. 

Feeding The Homeless is one of our Missions .Once again we are on the road this time I am in my Home State of New Jersey.  Now I sorta kinda grew up around this part of Newark one of my Uncles owned a used car lot right across the Clay Street Bridge. I spent many weekends there hanging out with my Uncles and learning about cars.While eating an Italian Hot Dog From Dickie Dees in Bloomfield Ave. Feeding The Homeless Back then in that area you did without question

So you can see how attached I am to this place and cannot believe how bad it has gotten. When I was a kid here in the late 70s and early 80s there was no homeless like this, I mean you had one or two local guys but that was about it.. Now you at least have two to three people on each corner or on each side of the street. Many even sell bottles of water just to make a little profit instead of asking for money plain outward..

At one time I was broke and lost everything but even though my house was in foreclosure. I was still living in it and had a roof over my head and a good place to sleep. I cannot imagine sleeping out in the elements then a rain or snow storm blows by. Or not knowing where my next meal is coming from.. But that is not the real issue really, many people ask why do give them clothes and food .. Many think these people are leeching off  people that work for a living right ?

Many think they are lazy and do not want to work  am I right ? I gotta admit I have run into a few scammers and people that were faking it and I outed them..

Buy many have real issues that we just don’t know what happened to them in their lives, many have mental issues and just can’t get right.. Many are like I was you have it all one minute then the next you lose it all and before you know it you don’t know what to do. Again I was there and know what it is like . So now I give back and want to help those that need it. There are so many Charities for other countries but we have many here that need the help the most..

Your Donations Of Food Clothes and Money Help Us Do what We Do !


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