Never Give Up Always Keep Going

Never Give Up Always Keep Going….

First and foremost Happy New Year and here’s to another year of my doing what I do best and that is helping others who knows what the new year will bring but rest assured I’m going to try my best to keep up with what I have been doing the past few years.

With that being said I figured I start the new year off with a positive post for all those going through some things.

Many of you know my story many do not, but back in 2011 I was let go of my job of 21 years and 4 months even though I had money put aside I had to find a job fast . So I had to bite the bullet and work at a bar for 10 bucks an hour, I was making 23 dollars plus overtime at my past job so yes I took a huge hit not to mention I had and house and credit card payments I never once thought I’d ever lose a job I have never been fired from a job I was depressed had no idea what I was doing and was literally lost.

Not to mention back then it was really hard for me to find a job, all I knew was FedEx Express, being a bouncer and competing at a kickboxer/boxer and martial artist, to tell the truth, I didn’t know where to start I bounced from job to job hoping to pick up steady employment, but just when I was about to get hired there was always a rug pull at the last moment and an excuse on why I wasn’t hired.

But I kept on doing temp job after temp job then I lost my lawsuit with FedEx Express I was heartbroken But I was keeping afloat then in 2015 my uncle got diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and I was the only one to take him to appointments and take care of him so I had to live off whatever money and credit cards while working one or three nights a week.

Then on March 20 2015, he took his last breaths and I was right next to him, I was down to my last 800 dollars living in my foreclosed home. Applying for jobs every day pawning the last of the gold I had since high school and gifts from family members this is how desperate I was I even sold my gun because I actually put it to my head and was that close to pulling the trigger.

Then a few weeks later it happened I got a job interview at Lauderdale BMW, then a drug test then an e-mail saying they went with another choice and thanking me for applying. I lost my mind and went to the only place where it was my home Canino’s Karate and Boxing she was letting me train there until I got back on my feet to start paying again.

But today was different I was going to make it my last day of sparring then go home and commit suicide. It must have been the way I looked and acted but after one round Gabe one of the younger fighters took me outside and asked me what was going on and after a semi-long conversation and a hug I felt better and went home so yes Gabe saved my life that night.

Then a week later I got a phone call from the parts director of Lauderdale BMW telling me I was hired I didn’t even ask about the previous e-mail declining my job offer.

And after 4 years of heartbreak after heartbreak and a lot of tears I finally have a stable full-time job.

Then I swore that after I got back on my feet I would help others and the rest is history.

I wanted to give up so many times, and I could not let my family how bad things were for me I was ashamed and my pride was hurt. All the times I gave up hope then something would tell me to hang in there and I did.

And I am very glad I did.

The point I am trying to make is that I was at the lowest and I mean the lowest point and not for a month or two but 4 years of nothing but roadblocks, letdowns, and the loss of a man like a father to me.

I stuck it out and I had some incredible people in my life to keep me and my head in the fight.

Whoever reads this blog post…..

Never give up no matter how bad it gets, I may not know you but I am rooting for you and I want you to hang in there. And I want you to succeed. Please believe me that whatever you are going through will get better. It could take days, weeks, months even years like me but in order to make things happen you gotta make them happen and keep at it.

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