Yes it’s that time of year again and we will be there…
Sadly I missed last year but yes once again I will be a SAG (Support and Gear Driver) for the MS Society ..
Bike MS: Breakaway to Key Largo is a ride that will take you farther than you’ve ever gone before. The routes feature well-stocked rest stops every 8-12 miles and are monitored by the route support team consisting of HAM radio operators, support vans, motorcycle patrol, law enforcement, EMTs, and mechanics from our partner bike shops. We will conclude the day at the Key Largo Resorts where you will be treated to a delicious meal, massage, musical entertainment and an evening program. Everyone is up early on Sunday for breakfast and on the road where the route heads you to our finish line celebration and a great feeling of accomplishment.

Click Here For The MS Society..
I always make time in my calendar in the month of March for MS Awareness Month..
No matter where I am I always make sure I am in Florida to help in the Bike and Walk MS Events..
Ride Details
Date(s): March 2 -3, 2019
Start/Finish Location: FIU Stadium (Miami, FL)
Fundraising Minimum: $350
Age Minimum: 18