Career Day at Hollywood Park Elementary
So when you get the chance to speak with today’s youth and educate them on what you do and what it’s actually like. Well, I jumped at the chance and I was deeply humbled and honored, first of all, there were many other qualified people in the same room as me. A Marine Master Sargent, 5 doctors, and a Marine Biologist. So who in the hell was I? I am just a guy from Jersey nothing more nothing less.

Now I spoke to kids from 1st grade to 5th and I was just simply amazed at all of them, the questions they asked, and how curious they were, a few of them actually made me rethink a few things. Yes two of them really did.

I will say this the Teachers and the staff were nothing short of amazing, they made me feel welcome and listened to me as well when I was speaking to the children. I just simply could not ask for a better day and a better function to be a part of.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to educate young minds, now I know why teachers do what they do and I was very glad to be a part of it.
Thank You once again to Hollywood Park Elementary in Hollywood Florida for the invite and opportunity