Christmas Candy Canes for Mexico Beach-Panama City Beach and Marianna.. It’s not secret since October things have not been well for residents of the Panhandle after getting hit by basically a Category 5 Hurricane Michael . Some parts have recovered somewhat, but not all there are empty pieces of land where houses once stood. You see driveways that lead to nowhere..
So we decided to spread some Christmas Cheer and buy some Candy Canes and other things to put on random doors and dwellings just to let people know that we are thinking of them and Wishing them the Merriest Of Christmases .

The second trip that we took before Thanksgiving I found that Tent City at the Forest Park United Methodist Church. Were I witnessed at least 100 people living in Tents with no hope of ever getting their jobs back after many were destroyed. As usual we gave them what we could with a promise that we would be back.. We that did not go as planned because there were ordered to leave Click The Panama City News Herald Link Here..
The Panama City News Herald Stated that.. With 800 people at its peak and no potable water or sanitation, the “tent city” as it was known had become a safety hazard and had the potential to create a public health crisis, Mayor Greg Brudnicki said when questioned about the encampment during the Panama City Commission meeting.
Maybe he was right on doing so or maybe he wasn’t . Or even maybe it was the church’s way hey we don’t want you here anymore we have services to hold and a collection plate to hand around.. If the problem was crime you would want them in one area just to watch over and keep that in line. But that is just me. I have no idea how he runs his city all I know is that people will need help for a while now..

And yes there are many other places we have to attend to all over the Country like Flint Michigan. Where they still cannot drink the water Since 2014 The Flint water crisis first started when the drinking water source for the city of Flint, Michigan was changed from Lake Huron and the Detroit River to the cheaper Flint River. Due to insufficient water treatment, lead leached from the lead water pipes into the drinking water, exposing over 100,000 residents.
So yea if we want to help rest of the Country we most definitely have our work cut out for us.. That is why we welcome all donations.. Food-Clothes and well Money.. We will be accepting furniture on a later date..
I am in my very late 40s I have seen what happened to families in the late 70s. I have seen my Uncles laid off many times well into the 90s. I go around now and see what our veterans and homeless go through. Not to mention how people can work a Full Time and a Part time job and just make it. And and that is without kids.. And well you throw a natural disaster like a Tornado Earthquake for Hurricane into it. Now its really bad ..
Its true things are bad all over, but once we grow and develop then well we can help more and more people around the Country and just do the right thing for all.. But we cannot do it without all of you coming together to help us in one way or another.. We are one nation and we need to start getting it together like one..

The best thing is that we love what we do, we employ others that love to do this. Our Interns are people that are loving caring people like we are.. And that is what makes us at The JRX Foundation so Special. We are all about getting the jobs at hand done.. We have helped other Charities with their events and we do not like the way they operate. Many of their Higher ups walk around some even try to even act like they are working..
And that is fine that is on them, but we don’t stand around we get things done.. The way it should be .. Sure we will take a photo or two be we are all about the work and getting people helped..
Thank you all for everything you help us do for others.. If it was not for all of our supporters we could not do a thing !