On The Road Again..
In a Week or two we will be on the happy trail the first stop will be The Panhandle we will be bringing some supplies to the Good Reverend Swafford as always.. Very good many with still a long way to go after Hurricane Michael..
Then we have to be on our way to Waco, Texas this will be a first time for us .. We have gotten a few E-mails telling us about the Homeless Situation so we will go can check that out maybe on the way back from up North we really have to play this by ear.. Because we know we have to get to Sophie’s Haven of Hope in Fayetteville and the SOS Children’s Village of Coconut Creek Florida. Not to mention get back to Jersey because it is very cold and many on the street do need our help..
Now many destinations are not etched in stone.. For the Simple fact that the Weather plays a big part of what we do.. If a Blizzard or Extreme Drop in Temperatures appear we might have to break off and go to that area. So again When we are out there we still do not know where we will end up anything can happen.. We plan to be on the road by the 25th and maybe a week of three on the Road. Then we have to get back to the office and resupply to be back on the road by Christmas ..

So what we need are Winter Clothes and Blankets and whatever else you can send us.. Or if we are driving by we would love to come pick them up for you providing we have the room..
We have a small window to make this work but we will do it we always do. We may not be the prettiest but we get it done.. Someway Somehow .. And we want to thank everyone for their Support over the past year we have helped a lot of people and it is all because of you !!