So I have had Ebola for like two weeks. Dizzy Spells and even an ankle that looks like a football not to mention my hearing is almost back head still feels like it’s in a fishbowl lol.
But the Boys over there in Plantation Florida of Boy Scout Troop 406 decided to do a little Homeless Project for one of my Nephews going for his Eagle Scout and well asked me if they could do something…

An well they did they made little care packages for the Homeless and Working Poor and hooked them up too. He was supposed to make 100 and ended up making over 170 packages. Over 3 backs of toys and clothes for the kids and not to mention a ton of adult clothes.
Words cannot express enough on the amazing job they did, the fundraising and the organization it took to get it all together. They are a great bunch of kids and well young adults, I am at a loss for words at the moment…
Because of them, this is will be a great start to this new year…