Now as many of you know that have been following us over the years. We got started by feeding and clothing the local homeless in the Ft Lauderdale Florida area.. Back then there was even a tent city on Broward Blvd and Andrews Ave where they have been building up for years with new high rise buildings and restaurants.. So you know they did not want any of the homeless there..

So the city of Ft Lauderdale made it illegal to feed them, as a matter of fact they arrested a man for doing it.. Then about 3 months ago they just took the tent city down which make the homeless go all across the city..
Many need mental help and the shelters are not equipped to deal with those in that kind of mental state..
Did You Know..
September 2019 Approximately 65 percent are found in homeless shelters, and the other 35 percent—just under 200,000—are found unsheltered on our streets (in places not intended for human habitation, such as sidewalks, parks, cars, or abandoned buildings).The State of Homelessness in America – The White House
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 9.5 million of people who spent at least 27 weeks in the labor force were poor. That year, the working poor comprised 6.3 percent of all individuals in the labor force. … However, only 25.2 percent of these “able-bodied” poor worked more than 50 weeks.
There were an estimated 11,472 homeless veterans. The biggest population of homeless veterans, after California, in 2017 lived in Florida – an estimated 2,817, and in Texas – 2,200. In April 2019, the U.S. had a homelessness population of over 630,000 with 67,000 being veterans of the armed forces.Homeless veterans in the United States – Wikipedia
So What Now ?
To be Honest I do not have the right answer or any answer for that fact.. But I do know this, the more we are on the road and helping who we help makes a difference. The more we grow the more we can help, and I am talking bigger than The United Way.. But for this Country only .. I hate to say it but in the past 10 years there has been only a small dent, on what should have been taken care of years ago..
We should have no Homeless in America.. We should have no Working Poor in America.. And most Definitely there should be no person who has ever served this country to be living under a bridge and need medical help..
I do not know how but we have to grow as a society and as humans that will help other humans in their darkest hours of need..
And us here at The JRX Foundation want to see it happen and help it happen..
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