Meals for Real !…
Well It was a little more than lunch we decided to give them extra for Breakfast and dinner too.. But anyway..
Today 10 kids got Peanut butter jelly sandwiches for lunch. With a side of Tuna Salad ..
Their Parents got my famous chicken Parm sliders and sandwiches for lunch and dinner.
Many families work two jobs and can barely afford The essentials.
So we decided to help a few families out..
It’s not only the Homeless who need help.
We try to do whatever we can …
Special Thanks to Restaurant Depot for the membership that allows is to feed who needs to be fed

We are still growing as a Charity and we are working as hard as we can. Its not easy as of right we can’t help everybody, but we are trying our best to help whoever crosses our path.
Today’s recipients were the result of people that cared enough about them to help them out. They reached out to us we reached out to them, we even surprised a few who did not even know we were coming.
Now we cannot video tape everything, many people wish to remain anonymous and we have to respect that. And of course we will when I was down and out I did not want anyone to know until I was back on my feet again. So I do get it and we fully understand and you have our extreme silence . But if you are in an extreme unhealthy dangerous position we do have to alert someone higher maybe a shelter or a home.
We only want to help and get you out of your situation we just can’t have you living the same unhealthy way where it is a danger to you.