Feeding People On The Road.
Today after going to Restaurant Depot and picking up some Bread – Roll’s. Some Chicken Salad and Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches we made back at the office.

We loaded everything up in the Trans Am and I made the rounds, now for the safety of the some peoples identity we did not film were they are nor who they are.
But I will say it was a long 1,500 miles..

There are even a few family’s living in tents until they can get a motel room then save enough for an apartment.. We provided 25 tents with Lunch and Dinner for the next few days so they do not have to spend anymore money than should . And so they do not have to give their kids fast food for lunch.. We believe the people we did help will succeed they already have jobs but just can’t afford to even live in the cheapest places right now. But they will and we will help them
There are so many people around the country that go unnoticed and unheard from. Many are too proud to let their loved ones know of their situation. They know they will get out of it but just do not know when and this is were we come in. Sometimes people just need that extra push to make it. And well at times we are that extra push, so many of our American Citizens are pushed aside.
Many just go unnoticed because of whatever news is on the T.V. that distracts us from what is really going on in front of our faces everyday in our own back yard.
Well I wish I can type more but you guys get the picture, I have to go now and plan our next endeavors in the middle of fundraisers and Blah Blah Blah ..
Thank you all for the support over the last three years, it got us this far and we are still going !