WASHINGTON — On the night of Jan. 24, 2018, volunteers across the country counted 37,878 veterans living on the streets or in transitional housing and shelters – a decrease of 2,142, or 5.4 percent, from those counted in January 2017.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development released Thursday the results of its annual point-in-time count of the country’s homeless. The decline in veteran homelessness comes one year after the department reported the first increase in veteran homelessness in a decade.
The number of homeless veterans declined in 34 states last year. For female veterans, homelessness went down by 10 percent, from 3,571 veterans counted in 2017 to 3,219 in January.
More than 4,000 veterans found homes in 2017 using the HUD-VASH program, in which veterans receive housing vouchers from HUD and case management and clinical services from the VA. ( Source Stars and Stripes)
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Now we do understand that yes the number have declined, but 37 thousand people still out there is a lot of people that are on the streets. And if they are on the street there goes and medical help. Sure they may or may not get their prescriptions filled but what happens when they run out. Or they get stolen because they are living on the street. A few do sell them in order for them to eat.
When you are living on the street anything can happen. Can you ever imagine living on the streets of Baltimore-Chicago-Detroit or any other place that can be as bad as a war zone they were once in ? You know any nice area will not have them around like Ft Lauderdale Florida where it is Illegal to feed any homeless people.. You see the videos I post from there..

Again there is a lot being done but there could be more being done, and we want to be a part of it. Of course with our Veterans but with all the Homeless as well. Now yes we eventually want to provide housing and jobs. We want our Foundation to grow as we grow we want to create jobs for our Veterans and our Homeless. Many want to work they just need the chance.
We have so much potential as a Charity such as having Thrift Stores that employ Veterans and Homeless. But with a twist yes some things would be sold to cover the costs of running a business and paying them. But if you are homeless and need new clothes or shoes we would give them to you for free. Not to mention if you are one of the working poor that can’t afford clothes well we can help you too..
But we want to create housing first we have come across many abandoned hotels or Apt Buildings even whole towns that would be perfect to turn into living spaces. Again the potential to grow is limitless. But we need your help.. Who knows maybe you could be a permanent part of the community to help out daily.
Right now we need anything Food-Clothes-Funding.. Grants-Donations-Getting the word out for our cause so people will notice us.. That would give us a huge jump start to what we want to accomplish for the people..
Very Awesome Work you guys do, I want to mail you a check please be on the look out for it