At Sophia’s Haven Of Hope.. We by request of this trips sponsor. We got some Shirts Pants an Shoes..
1860 Torrey Dr Fayetteville, NC 28301 … (910) 703-8780
So we took a little road trip on behalf of a certain sponsor who wishes to remain nameless. You see the have a personal attachment to this place and they asked if we could take care of them.. We loaded up some Clothes and Shoes and well we were gonna make a little trip up the coast anyways so ..
We figured why not right.. So we went down on very short notice to Enterprise Rent a Car. They gave us a spiffy Dodge Ram and well the rest is history..

Description: Sophia’s Haven of Hope is a Non-Profit-501(c)3 organization that was established in June 2010 to embrace and breathe hope back into our community by providing a 6-24 month program that is directed towards training, servicing and encouraging homeless men and women that have just had a difficult time dealing with life changing events. Our goal is to empower them to become a viable force in our community.
We encourage our residents and clients to set high goals, and we assist them with planning and motivating them to help achieve their goals. We have partnered with the Veterans Administration and other agencies that offer rehabilitation, counseling, education, services, training and assistance with ending homelessness.
Volunteers Requests by Sophia’s Haven of Hope Transitional Home: In an effort to make certain that our program offers the greatest possible assurance of safety and protection for our guest, all current and prospective volunteers are required to complete a Confidential Volunteer Release form. This release form authorizes a background investigation of any potential volunteer criminal record and/or Sexual offender registry history. Please know that information obtained from this background check will be held in strictest confidence.
Donation Requests by Sophia’s Haven of Hope Transitional Home: Sponsorship; Monetary; Acquiring additional facilities; Furniture; Personnel Manning; Carpenters; Van – Vehicle; Adult Men and Women Clothes and Shoes; Washer and Dryer; Twin Bed Mattress’ and Box Springs
Another Great Place Doing Amazing Work..