Career Day Thank You Cards…
Well as many of you know that I am asked to do public speakings about what I do, how I do it, and why I do it. I am also asked to speak at schools to kids on how to be safe and the importance of being kind to others.

Well, some weeks back I was asked to speak at a Career Day hosted by Hollywood Park Elementary in Hollywood Florida. I was way more than happy to do it, I believe that in order for the children to make a better future they need to learn how and why to do it.
Now I know many of you are most likely going to say that Elementary School is too young, but I will say this many of these kids in different grades are more advanced than you think. I will go as far as to say many gave me some pretty good questions that even caught me off guard and made me think.
So today I came back to home base after a few days of being on the road of doing what we do best. I actually covered 800 miles and fed some people and found a new tent city to supply whenever I am in the area.
Went over to the pile of mail and found a big envelope that contained the thank you cards of many of the kids I spoke to. And I have to say I was very humbled and it pretty much made my week and yes I read every single one of them.
Now I know how teachers feel when they know they reached the kids they are teaching, teachers are amazing people and do great things and the kids they touch are products of that.
I will always thank my teachers from Our Lady of Sorrows, Maplewood Middle School, and Columbia High School for my education.
Support You, Local Teachers!
And Thank You For The Cards they are awesome!