Why Do We Drive Around To Feed The Homeless

Why Do We Drive Around To Feed The Homeless?

Simple… because it’s the right thing to do and we are in a position to do it…

First of all, as many of you know if you have been following me for the past few years is that after losing my job after 21 years as a FedEx Express courier it was a slow 2-year downfall. Mentally and Physically not to mention things for a long time did not go my way job-wise, for me, it was always 1 step forward and 3 steps back. I even had money coming in and I was still going hungry because I needed to pay for the basic necessities to keep me afloat.

So with 99.9% of the people on the street, I fully understand what they are going through because I had been there. Now the part of the job I hate is that when I expose the ones that are not truthful yes because you do get a lot of scammers out there. I will never deny that and I will send them on their way as well.

Many I can’t even get close to because I can see that they are not in the best mental state, I wish I could but they need to be off the street somewhere getting help. But sadly the United States does not do that anymore. This has been happening since the dawn of time but they just leave them on the streets to get worse and eventually die.

I can’t save everyone but that person on the side of the road who has not eaten in days, I can at least help them for a little while.

Some want to work but many jobs pay by direct deposit, if you do not have a home I assure you that you do not have a bank account. Not many jobs are still old school and many people are now living in cars and tent cities and have jobs. But just simply do not make enough and again I do not have a problem getting them some groceries so they can save a little money again its called doing the right thing and helping others if you can.

There are so many factors on why people are homeless, living in cars, and in Tent Cities, and it’s my job to understand them and help them by weeding out the legit ones and the ones that are not legit.

I do not expect everyone to understand, trust me I catch a lot of flack at times and that is fine I just hope that what happened to me does not happen to anyone else, and if does now they will understand and I will be there to help.

Sure there is no government grant for what I do, there is no way we will ever get those huge donations from huge institutions and we are not in the nonprofit bro club.

I’m on the street where I belong with the people because I am one of the people. I’ve been through Hurricanes and Tornadoes so I know what they experience and I will not be behind some desk making calls I will be there with the people.

Same thing here I was starving while paying a phone bill so I can get a you got the job phone call so I know what that is like and will be there on the street helping them make it to that day.

Shelters are full and dangerous not to mention understaffed, Underfunded sometimes mismanaged, and just not enough supplies and again we will do the best we can to help them when we have the time.

Town to town, City to City, State to State we will try to be there. I am always on the road give or take a few days to sleep and recharge.

We need togetherness now more than ever so if you ever see me on the street feel free to say hi it’s all about our fellow citizens.

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