Donations and Organization Update

First and Foremost…

Thank you for all the phone calls and emails about wanting to donate your clothes, furniture, and other items. It means the world to us that you have considered us in the first place.

Bad sadly we just cannot accept anything at this time, you see I have been in the South Florida Office since February. I have only been available locally and through out the state. And we had to cut down our volunteers, many did want to stay and help but I did not want them at risk. So it has only been me the Founder driving all over helping where I could.

And the way things are going well its going to be me doing the best I can with what I have got for a while.

Our Programs and Growth…

Now we applied for many grants from many big corporations and other sources. And sadly they did not come through because either we did not meet their criteria or because of the obvious reasons and many of our sponsors have temporarily halted our funding.

And we fully understand and we get it, they have a business to run and we are not the only charity out there that needs help. There are many charities that do way more than we do, so again we have no issues or ill will.

Not to mention our local fundraisers we were hoping to resume, but again the restrictions and well we just do not feel comfortable having people in large or even small groups at this time.

This is not the end of us I will still keep doing what I can when I can so thank you all for your support. In the past three years, we were able to help so many people and that was all because of you. We will still help who we can but it’s not going to be as consistent.

But that’s OK as long as we are still here that is all that matters…

Once again Thank You and Be safe out there

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