Homeless Facts Vs What Others May Think

Homeless Facts Vs What Others May Think…

First and Foremost I have been on the streets fully since 2019, and at one time I had lost everything and lived in my foreclosed house so I know full well what I am talking about. Politicians and almost everyone you run into think that they do but have no clue whatsoever.

  1. The system has been broken since it started for some odd reason it is tolerated to have people living on the streets. Now it is true some do choose to live on the streets but you still should not shun them everyone has their reasons for what they do.
  2. Not all homeless are drug addicts and alcoholics, surely many are I would be lying to you to say otherwise. Many are veterans who find it hard to adjust to the world, many have hard lives and just snap after experiencing the last straw. Many have mental issues and for some odd reason, there is no help for them. We can send millions to other countries but the same compassion for others is not the same for those here.
  3. Not all are scammers… Sure many in your Walmart, Target, and other store parking lots are. My first clue is when they refuse clothes or food and they just want the money. Many are even riding nice bikes. When I was broke I damn near sold everything I owned for money. Even my most sentimental items. But yes many are on the level and are trying their best to figure things out like I was.
  4. Many that live in Shelters/Tent Citys do have jobs but sadly they either do not pay enough or it is just too expensive for anything. Not to mention too expensive to move they have to save what they can.
  5. Many do want jobs but what address do you use? not to mention many jobs today pay you direct deposit so how do you get paid without a bank account. Now I am sure there are ways to work around this but the main thing is to get clean and get a job interview. Don’t forget they can apply for jobs and many do but simply many do not get hired. For the record yes I have seen a place help a homeless man and hire him and he is still there.
  6. Not all homeless were raised in perfect households, many lack people skills and the proper education to in fact hold down a decent job. Or better yet interact with others socially and that is not their fault. This is a slippery slope and I can’t really touch on this further.
  7. City and State Corruption…. Many places do have the funding to help and they also have the room to do it. There was a city I forgot where misplaced millions of dollars were to help the homeless in their area then it was deemed a clerical error. Ok, so where did all that money go? And to my knowledge, there were no repercussions. They want to build Hotels/Strip Malls instead of helping others. Not even special places for the mentally impaired they just leave them on the street to die slowly.
  8. We should not have homeless on the streets at all whatsoever. This country is huge and vast there are even many abandoned cities and towns even abandoned hospitals and sure it all costs money but where is all the money they are getting now going. We give billions and billions to other countries in my opinion it would be cheaper to fix our Homeless problem…. No?

    Now I am sure I am forgetting a thing or three, but for now, this is just the thoughts of a guy on his third coffee from Flying J on his way heading home after another run helping others.

    Sadly I do not see any end in sight so I will just keep doing what I am doing, yes I know I can’t help everyone but If I can help a few have a better day and survive a little longer. Then I am good with it .

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