Remember Our Veterans..
Many of the homeless we encounter on our streets, under bridges and even living in tents are our own men and women who served our country proudly. Many come home and just cannot function indoors anymore. I cannot speak about the VA Hospitals, there are many things I cannot speak on because I just don’t know.
But the one thing I do know is that many cannot get housing, many cannot work, and many have issues with the things they have encountered. We can help other countries but when it comes to our own they are left on their own with a pat on the back and a good luck with their future endeavors.
In my own opinion, we are the only Country that puts others first and the American citizen gets higher taxes, higher rent, insurance, and so on. I can say this because I am on the ground and in the trenches helping people that are living in cars under bridges and in tents.
No Veteran should be put aside for anything, No American for that fact either but that is another story for another day. There are athletes that get paid way more than our American Servicemen and Women I have always had a problem with that. Again another argument for another day.
All I am saying is this the next time you see a veteran in need or struggling just please think and have a little more compassion..

Remember Our Veterans Shirts
Our United States Veterans are the most forgotten in our own opinion, many of the homeless we help are our very own United States Veterans. We cannot forget that they are there for us ready to defend us without question