School Supplies for Operation Backpack


School Supplies for Operation Backpack N.J.

Sorry this is a tad late but I was going around the country the past few days. doing our thing and helping awesome people. That content will be up soon. But I stumbled upon one awesome lady Brenda Gonzalez. She was asking for Backpack donations for the local kids in her area. Of course we had to but in and giver her a hand. She was so cool because she knew I was in South Florida. And said to me being that we are all the way down here. It was a nice gesture but the shipping would be to much.

I had to elaborate on who we were. You all know that we have been helping people since 2015. But word just hasn’t spread yet well at least that far. So when she got the point. It was also mentioned that School Supplies would be needed as well. That is when I hit the local Walmart and just started filling the shopping cart lol..  Long story short I filled up a box and sent it on its merry way..

Why ?

Because it’s the right thing to do. When I was a kid it was very hard for my mom to support us. Not to mention affording the simple things. Like school clothes and supplies. And I was not the only one there were kids. Who had it way worse than I did my parents were divorced. But still did the best they could to support me and my sister.

Kids today have it worse now and need charities like Operation Backpack. It is no secret on how the school system is now. The politics have ruined it all. And its the kids that suffer the most. Furthermore its our job to enable them to learn for the future.

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