Why is what we do Important…
For the past two months we well me now since we had to let our awesome bunch of volunteers stay indoors for their safety. Listen I am 48 years old I started this foundation for a reason. And I will not let the people who need us down. As you know we are based in South Florida and New Jersey when I get a chance to be up there.
But before all this corona COVID 19 stuff we were on the road weeks at a time. And the support for all the people with the clothes and the food as been amazing. Even those who have given us in kind money gifts, you have really helped us keep our doors open and gas in the tank to keep us on the road as well.
Now I am still operating at a limited capacity because I like I said I started something and well I am here. I am not a big organization and many companies that I have applied for grants to have reminded me of that many of times by their denial letters and I get it I am not in the bro club that’s fine
But I can say with honesty that all the money we generate goes to where its supposed to. I am not going to lie we have operating costs and some payouts. But yea I can honestly say that 80% and hopefully more go to the people we help. Meaning that we are honest and are true to our word.
With that being said…
As I have spent the past few weeks driving around and the more I went to the store or the laundromat. I noticed that more and more homeless were on the streets. Even sleeping on benches now I was understood that people were supposed to be inside right?

Then I thought well maybe they just did not get to them yet, there are just thousands of working poor and homeless right? But then I noticed three different people in three different locations sleeping on the same benches or bus stops for at least a month. Even the people I handed out Hygiene packs to said that there were not even bothered by law enforcement. They drive by and do nothing.
I am not saying we are saving people nor saviors to the unfortunate, but its like these people are even more forgotten from before. Transparent even then you look on the news and see people violating orders to opening their businesses the police are right there giving out summonses and possibly taking the person to jail.
So how can you enforce rules for some and not others?

All I can do is the best I can when I can, I have to understand the fact that I could possibly get arrested for helping.
But how can I just drive by people sleeping out in the open with no masks and other things so they can not get sick themselves?
As a charity I try not to get political or anything risking harming my business.
It just seems to me they are being left to get sick our pass it on.
And that is what is really bothering me, I can’t save them all but I can’t force them to get help or stay off the street neither.
All I can do is the best I can do